Tuesday, October 22, 2013

IntroGame(1) - Unity Engine

Hello good people,

After putting in an extensive amount of time into Unity engine, I present to you, BasicGame(1).

This game will showcase my knowledge on the following subjects : 
  • Basic scripting.
  • Basic camera placement, usage and positioning. 
  • Basic lighting. (Spotlight and Directional light) 
  • Basic joins. (Fixed and Hinged)
  • Input with axes. (Up, Down, Left, Right and W-A-S-D) 
  • Basic level design. 
  • Publishing. 
*In the process of getting a server for uploading purposes. 

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Cooperative Construction - Analog prototype

Davide Bisso
 Theme : Construction 
Game title : Cooperative Construct
Synopsis : Cooperative Construct is a game about time/resource management, structure building and puzzle guessing. 

Goals :
 Strategize with your fellow teammate in order to construct a labyrinth.
 Avoid obstacles.
 Use your labyrinth to get the ball in the hole.

Actions :
 Discuss with partner shape placement and outcome.
 Place shapes accordingly

Transitional Conditions :
 Run out of lives (10)
 Time runs out (10 min)

Objects :
 Teams consisting of 2 players.
 1 Steel 1 1/16th Pinball Ball.
 Downward slanted board.
 10 shape cards. (Shapes include : Rectangle, Diagonal Stripe, L shape, Right Triangle, Diamond)
 Placement shapes (Plastic or Wood).
 Victory hole.
 Timer.
 Obstacle holes.

Rules :
 If ball goes out of bounds, team loses 1 life.
 If ball fails to go in hole, team loses 1 life.
 If ball gets trapped by obstacle, team loses 1 life
 If ball gets stuck while going down labyrinth, team loses 1 life.
 If any of the above occur, pause timer and adjust shapes. When finished adjusting, turn timer back on.
 Player must use all 5 shape cards.
 When team has finished constructing their labyrinth, drop ball and observe outcome.

Scoring :
 No mistakes = 10 pts.
 5 or less = 5 pts.
 More than 5 = 2 pts.
 More than 8 min on timer = 10 pts.
 More than 5 min on timer = 5 pts.
 Less than 5 min on timer = 2 pts.

 Distribute 5 shape cards to each player.
 Player 1 places 1st shape.
 After 1st shape is placed start timer.

In Cooperative Construct, meaningful choices come in several forms:

1. Strategizing with your fellow teammate. 
2. Discussions of shape placement, obstacle aversion and overall success will also arise. 
3. Placement of shapes. Knowing what shape to use, how to use it and when to use it are keys to the players success. 

Please take into consideration that this is only a prototype. With more extensive iteration and your feedback, this game will nourish into a fully functioning game. 

Here is a link to the downloadable PDF file : 

Thank you, 
Davide Bisso