Monday, April 28, 2014

Gameplay Pitch - Motion Control & VR


We are approaching new times in “gaming”. VR technology and Motion Control are constantly being iterated for optimal performance. Before we know it, these technologies will be in homes all over the world.

Now you could argue this notion but before you do that try and think without biases. Open you’re mind to the possibilities that are about to be presented to you and see the future of gaming. 

My intentions with this pitch are to address some current problems while theorizing possible solutions. Finally, I want to implement these solutions while introducing you to the VR/Motion Control “MMEEE” program. (Medical, Military, Engineering, Education, Exercise - Training Simulations)


Seeing how I’m trying to create new gameplay opportunities with new technology, I must first address the problems with Virtual Reality and Motion Control.
With Motion Control, one of the key problems has to do with minimizing the abstractions associated with control. By minimizing this abstraction we will see the physical and virtual space as one. This will essentially make individuals feel an embodiment within that world, which means more opportunities for deep immersion. Another problem with Motion Control has to do with realism. Roman Oriola, the Lead Designer for Red Steel 2 (MotionPlus) says “If you give too much to the player they might start to wonder why they didn’t feel the weight of the sword or the knock back when they hit something.” In another light, as motion approaches realism, individuals begin to pay more attention to the dissimilarities in gameplay. To avoid these issues, I present Virtual Reality technology (Data Gloves, Data Suits, and Head Mounted Displays).

Now Virtual Reality might be the cure for Motion Control issues but VR also has problems. What are these problems? Well to start off, VR causes motion sickness.
This sickness is caused by poor ergonomics and a lack of awareness for the physical needs of the user. With time we will see many improvements to this issue (Iterate & test). Now that we understand the “motion sickness problem”, we can move on to the ethical problem of “desensitization“. Basically, this means that a person is no longer affected by extreme acts of behavior, such as violence. He or she also fails to show empathy or compassion as a result. Personally I see “desensitization” as Good/Evil or Ying/Yang because it can have negative and positive connotations. The positive gain would be high cure rates for depression, anxiety, fear and schizophrenia but the negative would desensitization to violence, which can be pretty detrimental to society.

In a final recap:

Solution 1: Gameplay that focuses primarily around training individuals in Medical, Military, Education, Exercise and Engineering.
Solution 2: Focus on the “natural” aspects of simulating and less on the game.
Solution 3: Iterate & test until the experience is familiar and natural for the individual.


Seeing as I have many different simulations, I’ll focus with the step-by-step gameplay for the Exercise Training. Now exercise can come in various forms so what we want to do is incorporate as many exercises that work with our technology. We want the user to have a very natural and progressive work out in the comfort of his home.   

All of our exercises will be put under categories based on difficulty and personal endurance. To gamify this we will include progression meters, rewards, achievements and weight/muscle tracker.

Now that you’ve seen the vision lets put this all in motion with a nice step by step guide.  

Step 1: Get equipment attached.
Step 2: Firs time users need to register their height, weight, and fitness level.
Step 3: User opens the simulator and is welcomed with a motivational quote.
Step 4: User selects a category. For this example the user selected Fighting.
Step 5: The fighting category opens up and he or she is present with various fighting styles.
Step 6: User selects Muay Thai and begins his journey.
Step 7: First time training teaches the user basics. This is the tutorial, which focuses on getting the user immersed and comfortable with his surroundings.
Step 8: Next, the user is taught the various techniques including proper punching, kicking and movement.
Step 9: Combining the above skills.
Step 10: After the session, user is praised and given his or her progress report.


The future for video games is steadily evolving. We must embrace this movement with open arms, constantly pushing the envelope for gaming. After reading my pitch, you can see my visions & ideas. I believe games should teach & reward players. These lessons should transfer over into everyday life, strengthening the self mentally and physically.

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